I feel like , in my life, when I have heard the phrase, "work/life balance" I think of men. When this became a complete male gender problem, I don't know! Maybe because my father worked and my mom stayed home and now my life is the same. I found it so refreshing to see women in the videos this week struggling with this same issue. It is no longer a male gender problem for me. My mind has been opened to the weaknesses of we women also. We all (male AND female) can have issues with our motivation and priorities. This week I jotted down some short notes and ideas on this topic to remind me that this is a common problem and that I too can fall short in balancing my life. Here are my thoughts/notes:
Ask "is it worth it?" when decisions arise.
Balance is not a static question, but more dynamic like a swinging pendulum.
Never put yourself in a situation where you can't say no.
Ask yourself the hard questions to find your true motivators.
We owe the world something!
Have regular family meetings where the family is kept informed of business ventures.
Engage your spouse in the business.
We are not in this crazy busy life alone and we all face similar problems. By determining our motivators and focusing our priorities we can have and achieve a better sense of work/life balance.